Uranium reception

Uranium reception

Uranium gain from the uranium ores containing 0,05-0,5 % U. Uranium extraction begins with concentrate reception. Ores bleach solutions of sulfuric, nitric acids or alkali. In the gained solution impurities of other metals always contain. At branch from them uranium, use distinctions in their oxidation-reduction properties. Oxidation-reduction processes combine with processes of the ionic exchange and extraction.

From the gained solution uranium take in a view oxide or tetrafluoride UF4, a method metallothermy — chemical formula:

UF4+ 2Mg = 2MgF2 + U

The formed uranium contains a pine forest, cadmium in inappreciable quantities of an impurity and Some other devices, so-called reactor poisons. Immersing Formed by operation of a nuclear reactor neutrons, they do uranium unsuitable For use as kernel fuel.

To get rid of impurities, metal uranium dissolve in nitric acid, Gaining uranilnitrat UO2(NO3)2. Uranilnitrat extract from a water solution tributyl phosphate. A clearing yield From an extract again translate in oxide uranium or in tetrafluoride, from which again Gain metal.

Uranium part gain regeneration of the kernel fuel which has fulfilled in a reactor. All operations on uranium regeneration spend distantly.

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